Home I recently got married. I found that my husband is overfriendly

I recently got married. I found that my husband is overfriendly

Shout HereCategory: Partner/ Married LifeI recently got married. I found that my husband is overfriendly
Kalpna Chopda asked 7 years ago

I recently got married. I found that my husband is overfriendly with my friends. We talked about it but he said he just wanted to make them feel comfortable. But I really don’t like this gesture of him. What should I do please tell me??

1 Answers
Salima Pathan answered 7 years ago

Aray don’t doubt your husband.Maybe be he’s just trying to make them comfortable as they are your friends. You should talk to him, calmly and explain to him what you feel about it. Communicate and clear the misunderstanding.